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2 Resultados de traducción para to the limit en español

noun | verb

limit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
límite, máximo

Ejemplos de uso de
limit noun

  • He has reached the limit of his endurance.
  • In training, she pushed her body to its physical limits.
  • He tries to be creative within the limits of conventional journalism.
  • There are limits to what I can put up with from him!
  • They must not go beyond these limits.

Sinónimos de
limit noun

limit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
limited, has limited, is limiting, limits
limitar, restringir

Ejemplos de uso de
limit verb

  • We need to find ways to limit expenses.
  • He tried to limit the damage to his reputation by blaming other people.
  • A factor limiting our country's economic performance is its lack of resources.
  • Our lack of money limits our options.
  • Because of our lack of money, we have to limit ourselves to fewer options.

Sinónimos de
limit verb

Sinónimos detallados para limit verb

Limit, restrict, circumscribe, confine significan poner bordes o barreras a algo o alguien.
  • Limit indica el fijar un punto o una línea, por ejemplo, en el tiempo, el espacio, la velocidad o el grado, más allá del cual no está permitido ir <visits to the patients are limited to 30 minutes>.
    antonyms: widen
  • Restrict connota un estrechar, apretar o restringir dentro de, o como si fuese dentro de, un borde periférico o circundante <laws that restrict the freedom of the press>.
  • Circumscribe recalca una restricción en toda dirección y por límites claramente definidos <the court's decision was carefully circumscribed>.
    antonyms: dilate, expand
  • Confine connota una severa restricción dentro de bordes que no pueden o no deben de pasarse, y el entorpecimiento, la inmobilidad y la obstaculización resultantes <confined in a small jail cell>.
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Traducción inversa para to the limit

límite  - boundary, border, limit 
máximo  - maximum 
limitar  - to limit, to restrict 
restringir  - to restrict, to limit